What does a typical “Get a Price” response look like?

Care Cost Pricing API is an asynchronous API. You might get the response immediately (HTTP status code 200, 4xx, 5xx) or get the response later (HTTP status code 202).

  • HTTP status code 200 indicates Care Cost Pricing API returns the price result immediately. Please refer to the information below to see more details about the response.
  • HTTP status code 400 indicates the request cannot be completed due to missing data, invalid data, etc. Please check the detailed error message to modify the inputs in your request.
    HTTP status code 5xx usually occurs when Care Cost Pricing API may temporarily not be able to respond. Please try again later.
  • HTTP status code 202 indicates that Care Cost Pricing API is still processing the request. Please use the ID returned in the response and use GET request to get price details a few seconds later. You can find how to use GET request in What does a typical “get an existing prices” request and response look like?.

The response from Care Cost Pricing API includes

  • Id: this is the price document id that you can use to get the same price details in GET request.
  • ExpirationDate: when this price document will expire. By default, the price document will expire in 24 hours.
  • CreatedDate: when this price document is created.
  • Procedures: The result has a list of procedure information along with price and provider and payer information
    FailureDetails: is the result is failed, you can find the failure details here. If the result is successful, null value is included in the response.
    "id": "c8ed6c13-63e9-4f4f-9e95-a7e81db57714",
    "createdDate": "2022-07-15T08:30:12.266289Z",
    "expirationDate": "2022-07-16T08:30:12.266289Z",
    "careCostScore": 100,
    "results": [
            "procedures": [
                    "name": "THYROID IMAGING W/BLOOD FLOW AND UPTAKE",
                    "description": null,
                    "codes": [
                            "code": [
                            "type": "cpt",
                            "modifier": null,
                            "revenue": null
                    "type": "primary",
                    "price": {
                        "negotiated": 800.0,
                        "min": 100.0,
                        "max": 1600.0
            "provider": {
                "name": "MARGARETVILLE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL",
                "npi": "1164473039"
            "payer": {
                "name": "AETNA",
                "plan": "1199 / ASA"
            "serviceTypeCodes": []