What does a typical “Get a price” request look like?

The Care Cost Pricing API uses a POST request to get a price for the selected procedure. You provide the input as JSON in the body of the request. You can download the OpenAPI spec.

Use Procedure and Insurance Information

This is an example of how to include procedure and insurance information in the request to make a Get Price request.

In the request, you need to specify

  • Payer information
  • Procedure information
  • Provider information

This is a sample request:

    "procedure": {
        "code": "C8908",
        "codeType": “Hcpcs”
    "provider": {
        “npi": "1770543399"
    "payer": {
        "Name": "Aetna",
        "Network": "Commercial"

Sample Request with Zipcode

    "procedure": {
        "code": " 73565",
        "codeType": “CPT”
    "provider": {
        "zipCode": "39355"
    "payer": {
        "Name": "Aetna",
        "Network": "Commercial"