Provider Repository Search API

Product Overview

The Provider Repository automatically ingests updated provider lists from vendor partners and has a published API for checking provider availability. The Provider Repository Search API allows Optum product teams to do real-time lookup and build capabilities that require knowledge of data providers’ TIN and NPI availability.

Features and Benefits

This API includes:

  • NPI lookup
  • TIN lookup
  • Automatic updates to provider lists from multiple vendor partners

Accessing the Sandbox

How to Try an API?

Do NOT click the Request Sandbox API button above. Please follow these instructions:
  1. Email CIS Support to request sandbox access.
  2. Receive client credentials (client_id, client_secret) via secure email.
  3. Refer to the Security and Authorization section on how to use an API.


For additional support, email CIS Support to create a support case.
Release Notes
View our Change Log/Release Notes for information about the history of our programmatic updates for the Provider Repository Search API.