Do you have a sandbox that I can test before signing a contract?

We sure do. After receiving your client_id and client_secret for our sandbox environment, you can test the API from within our interactive documentation, using an application such as Postman, or from your own stack.

Try our Postman Collection
Run in Postman

What information needs to go in the request header?

In the header for an API request, you need to pass an authorization token. You can get the token by making an API call to:

curl -X POST \
  'https://${apigee_host}${security_auth_path}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "client_id": "<Your-ClientId>",
  "client_secret": "<Your-ClientSecret>",
  "grant_type": "client_credentials"

This is a precursor to making an API call, which might have the following headers:

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <Your-Access-Token>

Read all about our protocols in the [Security -> Authorization] ( /apitools/reference#security-and-authorization-v2-overview) section of this portal.

When you're ready for production, simply remove sandbox from the URL.

What does a typical API call look like?

The API uses a POST HTTPS call. You provide the input as JSON in the body of the request:

curl -X POST \
  https://${apigee_host}${api_basepath} \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -F 'request={
  "clientTransactionIdentifier": "jkdfsh-sdfkgjhskad_asdgkjsadgh@kjhsdgajk",
  "patient": {
    "age": 23,
    "gender": "M",
    "beneficiaryDeductibleAmount": 254.77,
    "bloodDeductiblePints": 2
  "claim": {
    "admitDate": "2018-10-10",
    "dischargeDate": "2018-10-10",
    "dischargeStatus": "02",
    "icdVersion": "0",
    "billType": "131",
    "conditionCodes": [
    "occurenceCodes": [
    "admitDiagnosisCode": "P98263",
    "principalDiagnosisCode": "R42F44",
    "secondaryDiagnosisCodes": [
    "valueCodes": [
        "code": "54",
        "amount": 2498
    "serviceLines": [
        "lineItemNumber": 1,
        "hcpcsCode": "98253",
        "hcpcsModifier1": "AA",
        "hcpcsModifier2": "EX",
        "hcpcsModifier3": "00",
        "hcpcsModifier4": "4E",
        "hcpcsModifier5": "QQ",
        "serviceDate": "2018-10-10",
        "revenueCode": "0222",
        "serviceUnits": 27,
        "lineCharge": 52.99,
        "lineItemActionFlag": 0
  "provider": {
    "npi": "4374357547453",
    "oscarMedicareNumber": "072005"
  "oppsFlag": 1

API Onboarding

See the [Security and Authorization] (/apitools/reference#security-and-authorization-v2-overview) section in this portal to learn more about using our APIs. Most of our APIs are private and require credentials to gain access.

After receiving your client_id and client_secret for our sandbox environment, you can test the API from within our interactive documentation, using an application such as Postman, or from your own stack.

Try our Postman Collection
Run in Postman

Additional Documentation

For details on the request model, see the links in the table below. The FAQ documents the field names and examples of the request.